Galentine’s Day Gift Collection 2024

IHWSH is grateful to our community of chefs, beverage professionals, bakers, small business owners, and activists.

Every campaign, we grow our community of support and find so much joy in highlighting these folks and businesses.

The Gift Collection

About Our Sponsor: CCRM Fertility

Our annual event could not happen without our sponsorship partners that help us raise funds to provide vital preventative services to uninsured food & beverage workers. This year, we'd like to highlight CCRM Fertility and all the wonderful work they do.


As a global pioneer in fertility science, research and treatment, CCRM offers its patients best-in-class patient care and access to a network of award-winning physicians, a full suite of fertility services, innovative technology and cutting-edge labs.

CCRM Fertility was founded in 1987 by Dr. William Schoolcraft and since its inception, has achieved international recognition for clinical excellence and advanced research in the field of reproductive medicine. CCRM’s proprietary approach has resulted in patient outcomes that far exceed the industry average for live births.

CCRM Fertility has 60+ physicians across 34 locations, and a team of research scientists, PhDs, embryologists and professional staff dedicated to helping patients achieve their dream of having a baby today, or in the future.

Thank You to Amy Evans

This is the 3rd year that local artist Amy Evans has produced our Galentine’s Day card, although she’s an ardent supporter of IHWSH in every way.

I was thinking about women doing Galentine’s their way and on their terms with the women they know, love, and admire and not waiting on anyone else! And I do love chocolate and those old-fashioned Whitman’s samplers, as well as those heart-shaped trays of tacos for Valentine’s and I thought, what would I like to see in a heart-shaped box?
— Amy Evans speaking about what inspired this year's artwork.

Thank You to our Volunteers

Thank you to everyone who came out to help us assemble and deliver this year’s bags. Also, thank you to Eight Row Flint for hosting us.

Galentine's Day proceeds will fund our 4th Annual Mobile Mammogram Day (on Thursday, March 21). With our partnership with The Rose, we provide screening mammograms and other vital breast care for uninsured women in food and beverage.